Wednesday, 6 February 2013

What does 1260 symbolize in the Bible?

Core text:

The woman ran into the desert to a place that God had prepared for her. There she would be taken care of for one thousand two hundred sixty days. (Revelation 12:6 CEV)

In our previous posts we discussed the story about Jesus. We ended with the resurrection and Jesus in heaven after His life on Earth. Now Jesus is in heaven, what is the church on Earth doing? Are they in any danger?

In our core text we read about a woman. What does the woman fleeing symbolize? After Jesus went to be with the Lord, His disciples had a hard time on Earth. They were thrown out of society and sometimes even sent to prison, like the apostle Paul! The “woman fleeing” may indeed represent the church feeing and hiding from the opposing people.

The desert, as the core text say, is a place that God prepared for her. No doubt this was a safe place for her to stay! The desert may be a place of testing (like the Israelites in the desert), but the context leans more to the side of a safe place (that God prepared).

But why is she going to stay there for 1260 days? If the woman represents the church, where is the church going to stay for that amount of days? As we have stated in the previous post, this is referring directly to the time after Jesus went to be with the Lord. The amount 1260 days or three and a half years represent the time that the Jews were tormented by a king (As per Daniel 12:7).

The number 1260 could be a biblical number symbolizing hardship. Any Jew that lived after Jesus would know that 1260 is the amount of days that they had some hardship. In the following days the church (represented by the woman) would have some hardship. And as the early Christians were prosecuted this became a true prophecy.

What is your understanding of the number 1260?

Till next time!!

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